Been doing alot of thinking
about alot of stuff. I believe in many things, God, spirituality and the
coming new world of peace that I believe will come with 2012. As we
all know its how you look at it. They say what you think you create and I
do believe that having experienced it myself at times. But I also
believe there's a lot more going on in the world than that. For all of
us tho we are in the middle, stumbling around trying to do whats best.
Some believe you must just pull out of it all and feel love and it will
all be ok. I'm sorry but to me that's too much like putting your head in
the sand. However I also believe being in the middle of it all, causes
alot of grief too. And so for now I walk a fine line. But here's how I
see it.
There are four kinds of people I believe.
right in there. They are fighting the daily fight in the courts , govt ,
jobs, whatever. That is their job in this change of the world. They
are the warriors to push for change that will be good for all.
The informers. Some of us cannot physically or financially do the work
and so they are the ones to get info out there. Hopefully the right info
but not always. But always the info is for YOU to figure out and
discern. Discernment will be the big thing to get us thru these times.
There are good guys and bad guys and they are fighting it out. Its
Armageddon now. Right now. Its not about nuclear and such. Its about
freedom and rights as human beings and learning to love the world.
The spiritual pack.......these are those that know its more peaceful
and calm if you pull away from the other two. And they do try hard to
stay there because it really does work. But they are also practical
enough to know you just cant ignore it all cuz your still here in a
physical body. You still have to pay bills, taxes and feed yourself and
work and all sorts of things. But they KNOW by removing yourself as
often as possible from the thoughts of these things, life is much
better. This is where we are all heading even tho right now your life
may not look like that. Its coming but that's why there's all this
strife in the world right now. So in effect you have one foot in both
worlds but are trying hard to stay on the heavenly side. What you think
is what you create so you try hard not to think about the world until
you have too.
4. Totally spiritual....these people don't care
about the world. They think sending love to everything is the answer and
so that's their work. And they are right to a certain point. Sending
love or angels or white light or whatever works for you, does work and
does help but we humans are simply not at that stage enough to actually
just live on love. But we are getting there.
And so when some
say you shouldn't beat a dead horse about some of the things in the
world.....think about these kinds of people out there. When they tell
you, you shouldn't feel a certain way, think about who is saying it.
Everyones feelings are colored by what they are going thru and where
they are in their human walk. I do believe we will all attain the
spiritual level. And I do believe many will see that soon. Those people
will teach and help and send love to those that are not quite there yet
or not there for a long time. And much of what they say will seem
foreign to you.
But on the other side those that do know and are
trying to help need to keep in mind, the other persons mind cannot
grasp yet what you are saying. And if some things are important to them
or they are going thru a bad time........this is what means the most to
them at that moment. Your words fall on deaf ears. I have found in my
own walk.........often the best way is to just be an example or just
plant the seed.
I know Ive told some of you to stay in your
joy. And I know that is hard to do when your not and struggling. I HAVE
been there. It isn't ez and sometimes its just plain impossible. On
those impossible times Ive just laid down and cried or napped or
whatever I needed at that moment. And so should you. ...but then get
up......and look for some silver in the dark cloud and cling to that
till it feels real. Each day it gets better. Each day it gets easier.
for me there are still worldly issues that are important to me that I
feel I must talk about or blog about or try to help/fix/or whatever.
Maybe one day they wont be important but right now they are. So while
I'm doing that I try hard to think good thoughts and pray for positive
So I guess you could say I'm number 2 and number 3 but I am more number 3 as the days go by.
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