Monday, April 18, 2011

Life isn't perfect....

This is my day after Thanksgiving mess a few yrs ago. I spend so much time cooking that I don't do dishes till the next day. I just don't have the energy left to do that.

I saw this video Ive posted below and it started me thinking. How many blogs we go to that show beautiful, perfect houses. How many pretty magazine pictures of homes are out there. And then we see it promoted on TV too. And even Martha Stewart, the Queen of perfection. And I thought about all the anxiety all this has caused women. And how its made men think women should live like this. My own ex would be furious with me for any messes in the house. He lived in hotels all week tho so of course it was ez to keep it clean, especially when there were maids to clean up after YOU! (BTW I have been a maid so he doesn't get off so ez with me about that.)

And then I read this blog about trying so hard to keep a house nice and how many bloggers felt bad when they would see others perfect homes. So this blogger asked others to send her pics of their messy homes. Honestly I love this video. Not cuz of the messes, heck most aren't even that bad. Perhaps they didn't send in the really bad ones cuz they didn't want to be embarrassed. But regardless look at these photos. Wanna know what I see?

I see messy kitchens where there is food and abundance. And how lucky they are to have all that including some beautiful kitchens. And I see overflowing laundry, which to me means, there's a family there......together. And I see toys and kid stuff around the house, which to me means there are children there and their playing is more important than keeping that floor clean. I see paperwork on desks and counters which means they have a real life like me, with bills and taxes and such. Some even have craft rooms which to me means they are lucky to be able to have time to be creative and have the space for it.

My fave one is the junk room area in that one pic. Looks like my laundry room. We enter thru the garage past it all. Right now there's loaves of bread on the desk because it seems anywhere else I put it, it molds fast. And there's a big plastic box for ironing. There are my tools too for cleaning. And best of all the tops of things are covered with containers filled with seedlings growing. IT means if they survive Ill have a great garden. While its messy, I see potential.

I guess what I'm saying here is we all think our homes are such a mess and maybe they really are. But I'm sure not anywhere near one of the Hoarders. Maybe instead of worrying about perfection and messes we should look at what to be grateful for. All those things means abundance and life is in the house. It is not a museum. Real people live there. As Martha says: Its a good thing.


  1. So great to see people keeping it real! I know just what you mean about feeling the pressure of perfection! I just read your profile, love that you are a cooking instructor! I went to culinary arts school several years ago, though I never persued it. My first job at a country club was THE job from hell, so it scared me away from the business!!

  2. Great video. It says it all.
    I do the McDonald's thing, clean as you go, but even that won't take care of the really big messes that come from entertaining. And you end up frazzeled.
    Tomorrow is good enough for me and when the food is great, who cares how the kitchen looks.

  3. I think we all know real life happens behind the scenes. We just don't want to admit it happens to us!

  4. My Kitty Boy wants to come to your house for Thanksgiving and thinks you have a good plan indeed!

    I loooove to go to a friends house and see a mess. It makes me feel better. In fact, I've gotten to the point that I leave the covers on my furniture when we have guest. Of course I make sure they are clean. But I am not ashamed to let people see that we have to resort to that kind of stuff and perfection is not a goal or a standard by which we want to judge or be judged.
