View of Farmers Market from the parking lot.
is May 1st and today it finally looks and feels like spring!! The sun
is out, its warmed up enough to barely need a jacket and its clear blue
skies with some puffy white clouds.....perfection!
Today is the
first day of the Farmers Market too. While they only did it today, every
week after is supposed to be Sat. and Sun. with the crafts on Sat and
the food on Sun. Lets hope it works out that way. Today was a full
market but breaking it down, I'm not sure it will look the same. But
honestly I'm glad to see them try it. I am really not interested in the
crafts but tourists might be. With summer coming, I like the idea of
tourists on Sat. and my shopping almost tourist free on Sunday lol.
Its not as big as it looks.....two sides as far as where you see, that's the end and I'm at the beginning.
I drove around today I thought about when I was married and we would
travel to the shore in NJ. and up and down the east coast for his
business. We hit many beach areas. And the one thing I always loved was
the small town beach atmosphere. There's just something different about
the air in places like that. Its quiet in the winters and busy in the
summers. But its not like living in big city areas where its like that
all yr. round. I think perhaps that's what draws me to them. Its like
that biblical thing.....There is a time for everything, and a season for
every activity under heaven.
Vendors on the other side. Good thing its sunny tho, that grass gets soggy otherwise.
I just adore living here, even with all the rotten rainy weather we
have been having. It just feels right. After all where else can you
drive to the grocery store, turn down the road to the driveway to it and
see the ocean? And then I get out of my car and I hear the gulls
calling. (Yes I know people call them rats with wings lol but I love to
hear their calls). The sound of them just stirs something in me, just
like seeing the ocean does. Perhaps I am a mermaid after all? lol
Craft vendors.
And so
today I got a late start to the Farmers Market, my mom called just as I
was leaving. So when I got there I wasn't sure what I would find. But I
was pleased to see many tents, not like last yr with just a few. There
were not alot of food vendors but what was there was really good and I
hope as the season progresses there will be many more.
This is the garden vendor I bought alot from last yr.
They have a farm just north of me about 20min. away or so. I drove up to
the farm after the season was closed cuz they still sold things there
till Thanksgiving. This is the lady I got the pea seedlings from too
last yr. Their stuff is some of the nicest produce around. They have a
website now and I'm disappointed because they did a CSA and I didn't
know it and now its full. But with all I'm planning on doing with my own
gardens I may not need it anyway. Today I bought some lettuce from her
and two pkgs. of lettuce plants. I'm dying for those baby carrots and
beets I got from her last yr but its too early.
And this is my bakery lady! Oh she was so happy to see
me, her face lit up when she realized it was me. When I met her month
ago in a store she said she hoped I would see her again in May when this
opened. So I got a big smile and a hug. gosh Ive missed her. She is so
sweet I could just pinch her cheeks every time I see her. As you can see
it was about 12:30 and shes almost empty. Thank God I got a big loaf of
the wheat bread and a small loaf of the white and two cinnamon rolls.
After that she sold out of the rest of the bread lol.
And I had such a nice chat with this lady. She has herbs
and goat milk soaps. In front there are herbal jellies and vinegars. I
HAD TO buy one of those vinegars........they are Balsamic with fruit
flavors and she had one with...........omg marionberry in it!! I am
madly in love with marionberries since I moved here.
talking to her I found out in about 2 mon. Ill be able to get some goats
milk. Shes only able to sell it for pet consumption. But we talked and
I'm gonna get some to make some cheese from this yr. I can pasteurize it myself. Ive got a cheese
making book here and I just needed some milk. And hey if it doesnt work, then it will be for my pet after all. lol.
My bf said we need a goat
for the back yard to be mowed. Seems shes thinning her herd. We talked
about that too but I know my bf would take care of it but I also know its
more than he wants to deal with. He loves the romantic idea of it but
the reality isn't what he would care for. Still, its nice to know if we
ever wanted to, we could do it. Shes also got a name for a butcher who
will do that for farm animals or deer or whatever that is reasonable.
And so I'm going to get that name too ..........just in case I get
lucky at some point to get venison. Heck the egg lady invited me to go
hunting with her for elk this yr. I'm not in physical shape for that
right now but I am tempted.
And speaking of meat, these people will be there every
week now. Look at that sign..local, fresh, humane, pasture raised! While
they are a bit pricey I will be buying some meats from them. This week I
got almost 5 lbs. of chicken necks to make stock with at @$1 lb. She
asked me if I used chicken feet and I said Ive never had access to them.
Seems one of their customers buys lots of chickens but doesn't want the
necks and feet and so shes selling them cheap, here. She said the feet
give great body and taste to stocks. So when she gets some in I'm gonna
get me some chickie feets! hehehe In about a month they will have beef
too. I am so happy, Ive wanted to find a local meat person. They also
sell beeswax items and I just love beeswax candles so I bought a big
chunky one.
And finally the honey people were there again this yr. I
bought a big jar this time and found out while he didn't have any with
him this time, he carries 3lb. and 6lb. jars too. Meanwhile I was taste
testing someone came up to him to ask if he sold buckets of honey. OMG
Buckets? I want one! I do canning and would love to use more of that. So
its a bit too early for that but he will be having some at some point. I
am considering getting one. After all it may crystallize but honey
NEVER goes bad.
And so I'm thrilled with what I bought today and
happy to see good folks with good products there. Usually more and more
come as the summer goes on. I cant wait to see it. After this I ran to
the grocery store that carried the yogurt I like. Then I ran to my bf's
brothers house cuz he said they had band practice. Got there and he
was just leaving.....he said no one was home and he must have gotten the
time wrong. So he went home and I went to the other store near me to
get the rest of the things I needed. Got a nice peek of the ocean too.
So I headed home, we unloaded the car and I opened all the doors and
windows to air the house out of the winter dust and smells. Today was a
glorious day.
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