Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy 4th of July and a few pictures...

I want to wish all great patriotic Americans a Happy 4th of July. I hope you have a great weekend of fun, family and celebrating. For those who don't get it.........that's the REAL AMERICA. I love my country, I don't love alot that's going on tho because its getting so far from what is good. But this is America and people STILL want to come here to have a better life. That should say it all. And so I thought Id post a few of my decorations. I didn't put out much this yr cuz we will be here. Everyone else we know will be away.
This is the wreath on my front door.

And this is at my front door too. I just love red, white and blue this time of yr. It just screams summer.

And this is my back deck where I spend most of my time outside. Its peaceful and comfy so I decorate it for me to see. I found that star pillow at a thrift shop in CA. a couple yrs ago. It had no price and they didn't want to sell it to me. I begged them to find a price, I had to have it......and so it cost me $1.99 but every yr. I smile when I put it out with my flag pillow.

Just part of my back deck garden. I always put the flag there cuz I can leave out. The porch is enclosed.

An one last thing I bought after the season last year. I may just leave this up all yr.

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