Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A garden type of blog...

I was going to post this yesterday, so its a day late. I wanted pictures from my garden but forgot to take them. So this is here now.

 It started out dreary today. I wasn't happy but hey.....this is Oregon. And now the sun is out. Its warm and gorgeous........so I'm glad the weather men are not always right. They said it was going to rain all week. But today.......well I just might work in the garden.

I saw on a blog page, some homemade chive blossom vinegar. Awesome!! I forgot I could do that and mine are starting to blossom. Not many but a few and hopefully more as the warm weather comes. So I went outside to cut them and a few sprigs of chive too. Came in and put them in some vinegar in a canning jar. I put it on my window sill. Its supposed to turn a pretty pink, but I don't have alot of blossoms yet so we will see. If I don't get more, I can always use it in marinades for summer grilling.

Meanwhile I wandered around my garden. I gave my bf a honey do thing to make me some slug huts. They are eating my garden up. Ive already lost two zucchini plants and some lettuce. I see them eating my Brussels sprouts and artichokes. And he has already been doing slug duty, flinging them into the woods. lol I told him they will just crawl back up here we need to kill them. And so I bought some slug pellets. I found out from my garden friend at the farmers market that if you build little covered areas you wont have to replace it daily cuz of the rain. So I put him in charge of using some of our recycled containers to make lil huts with poison in them. Hopefully that will work or we wont have anything left. 

But its nice to see my radishes coming up. And now my spinach, beets, carrots and string beans are beginning to pop up too. I still have many things to plant and more seeds too. Its just been so tempting when its nice out to just veg out in the sun.

Today I had to pick up eggs from the egg lady. I decided to pick some of my herbs to share with her. She told me if I get any extra veggies she will trade for them. But today she wasn't going to be around so I had to get them from her Home health aid that cares for her mom. I pkged up some spearmint and choc. mint tho for teas. And then some chives, thyme, lemon thyme and sage. Sadly I found the sage on my counter when I got home so I guess it fell out lol. Ill bring it later.

But on the way home I saw a peacock on the side of the road just walking along. I stopped and opened my window. And Peacock did too. I started to talk to him, telling him how beautiful he was and I could tell he was listening. He kept cocking his head back and forth. I asked him to shake open those feathers so I could see just how pretty he is, but he didn't. But you could see he was listening to me and even came closer to my car. Finally I said, well I have to go, I hoped to see your feathers but I guess not. And so as I slowly started to roll away he went back to the side of the road. But it was funny, as I slowly sped up, he did too like he was trying to stay with me. Finally I was going faster and he couldn't do it anymore. But it was funny cuz his head and neck were bobbing up and down as fast as he could and his lil feet were almost running.

I had a feeling I should take my camera with me today. But I make this trip so often that I couldn't think of what Id want to take a photo of. But I think I'm going to start paying attention to that urge. Today I could have gotten some shots of the peacock.

I don't know what it is with birds and me. I don't really like them very much but they seem to like me. I have my blue jays and crows here that  I feed.  I had the hummer that tried to land on me last yr. The egg lady's chickens now come to me when I'm outside there and now this peacock. I have to wonder just what the symbolism is since they all seem to like me. What are they trying to tell me?


  1. They probably feel comfortable around you.
    Your garden looks great. Hope you get tons of veggies from it!
    I know that sand around gardens is something slugs don't like.
    Have a great tuesday!

  2. Looks like you are working hard! There are few things I hate more than slugs... I hope you gain dominance over them!!!
