This is my favorite fairy picture....
on the longest day of the year, Summer Solstice I decide to try to
contact the fairies. I read that's a good nite to do it. And I read
that an offering of some sort is a good thing to do. I also read they
love buttered bread sprinkled with sugar. And so I did that and decided
to make it even more special by sprinkling it with some of my private
stash of vanilla sugar that I made.
Before I went to bed, I
put the dish out on the picnic table and spoke to them. I said Ive
never seen a fairy so I'm not sure they are real but I want to know
they are. Ive heard many stories and since my yard is filled with
Aspens and fairies love them, I thought there may be some around. (Yes
I know I sound crazy but hey, I'm getting old here and I'm entitled ) I
also told them there will be some changes to the yard. I will be
digging and putting in fencing and raised beds. And I understand
fairies love gardens. And so I wanted them to know it would be ok with
me to bless my gardens and play in them if they would just show
themselves to me. That would make me smile. And then I went to bed.
next morning I got up and sadly the plate of little cut up buttered
bread was still there. Sigh. But I left it there in the hopes that you
just never know what might happen. And then I went about my day.I had a wild and strange day, locking my keys in a running car and other things. And so
when I got home, tired and worn out I forgot about the bread. I always
put the dog out tho when Ive been out, she has to go usually. And when
I did that, I turned and something looked strange. It was then I
noticed ..........THE PLATE WAS EMPTY!!!
For a moment I
thought omg fairies.......then I heard a crow caw. Yea that's probably
what it was, the birds ate it. (altho I read crows can be fairies in
disguise). And so I brought the plate in, not sure really what
Later on that nite Kurt got home and I told him
about my weird day. He went outside to smoke after he changed his
clothes and it was then that I remembered the bread so I went outside
to talk to him. Now you see the nite before when I was doing this , he
asked me what I was doing. When I told him about my gardens and the
fairies and the summer solstice he laughed. He humors me alot and
that's good.
And then I said when I got home the bread was
gone!! Then I said probably birds and frowned. He said nope I bet it
was the fairies! I laughed and thought he was making fun of me but he
said no. And then I saw his face. I said you did it didn't you? the fairies did it. I said you tossed the bread into
the yard didn't you? lol Sweet guy ........yea he admitted it. He
wanted me to think the fairies came. Awwwwwwwwwww damn ....hes a keeper.
Well, methinks you need to go here: