Friday, March 5, 2010

Updates on the house....

Well Ive been busy unpacking still. I'm working on the spare room right now. My grand daughter is coming to visit me in April so I figured Id better get busy on it. As you can see, I unpack stuff and leave it all over in there. I don't know where to put alot of it right now. Many are pictures that I have to hang but don't have a clue where yet. 

But if I get the boxes out then the stuff on the bed can at least go on the floor or even in the closet till I figure it out. Then I can fix the bed and set up the room with lamps and such so she will be comfy. Shes taking the train up. Its a 14hr. trip. Shes excited about it. I hope it is great cuz that's what I'm gonna take when I go down there to her graduation in May.  

 I took down the Valentines day stuff and for the moment put up a spring basket till I find my Easter stuff. That lil nest I won last yr, I tucked in between the flowers. I like it, Its cute.

And my new living room rug came in as you can see in the picture. Its a hard room to set up with anything whether furniture or rugs. I have to keep the furniture away from the fireplace cuz it puts out a ton of heat. 

And so I leave a space around it. I have those big windows but while I like looking out them, they really are the only full wall in the room. Too many nooks and crannies too so I finally decided on this 8x10 rug. Its a blue chenille braided rug. I like the rows of blue that graduate. I thought it would go nice with my other stuff. Its softer on the feet too than the regular braided rugs.
We noticed that there's no echo in the house now. And the tv doesn't have to be cranked up to hear it now. The sound seems to stay there instead of wandering. So I cant wait till the bedroom rugs come in this week. I also have an ivory slipcover coming for that couch. While its the same color as what it is, at least I can take this off to wash if the dog dirties it. Its the only couch in the house now. But those damn wing chairs........I found one place that makes slipcovers for these kind of chairs. I wanted a dark blue or a navy. Sigh. All they have is a smoke blue and there's already too much of that around. And on top of that, they are on back order for weeks. But those chairs limit what colors I can use in there now. I saw a great slipcover that I just loved but it had flowers and a plaid. That would not go with those chairs. So for now this is it.

 As you can see I found more books. I had a feeling I didn't hit the bottom yet. But I haven't found anymore in the garage. That's where they all were.......or so I thought. And now I'm running out of room for them lol. Dusty too but I don't have time right now to dust them all. Once that room is set up Ill go back to do that. My allergies are kicking up too cuz of this crappy CA dust I brought with me. I kept thinking about the Sopranos when I found these. One of the guys on the show does a quote from the Godfather. He says .........Just when I thought I was out.......they drag me back in.

Just when I thought I was finally done with dragged me back in lol. I have way too many I think.

In my bedroom I finally got my standing mirror up. I just love this piece. I talked the ex into it for my birthday one yr. But in the last house I had a wall of mirrors on the closet and no room for this. So it got pushed in a corner. Now I can use it, there's no other mirror here to dress with. 

And finally, the rug in the man cave. He wanted red and he got it. I had a red rug in my first house. It came with the house.  I loved it when I saw it then ended up hating it. It showed every little thing dirty on it. Now the man is finding that out. lol Told him too late, its yours.......guess you should keep the vacuum cleaner in your room huh? hehehe 


  1. We wanted a dark blue rug and found the same thing -- times ten now that we have the Golden Retriever who is the Mistress of Shedding.

  2. Oh, I feel for you. When we moved after living in one place for 20 years, I thought I would never be through unpacking! So now you can enjoy your home! blessings,Kathleen

  3. I just today found you and the comment you left for me over on my blog! What a delight to see that you too made the move to a place where your heart was calling you. No my dear, I don't think you are crazy for doing this, because if I did, that would make me crazy too! I've been having a look around here and getting to know you a little bit. Love the images of your coastline and am enjoying your discoveries in your new environment. I will be following your journey! ~Lili

  4. Moving is such a lot of work!

    You had asked a question on my blog about setting up a menu bar using static pages. If you can't find the page list gadget once you've created your static pages you can also do it through the "Edit Layout" tab on your blogger dashboard. Once in Layout, click on "Add a Gadget" wherever you want your menu bar. When the list of gadgets opens, select Basics, and then the gadget called "Pages (New!)". It should open the page list gadget.

    Good luck!
