And I drink grapefruit juice most of the time now. The ruby red kind. I love it. So the Grocery Outlet here had it on sale last time and I bought two cartons. So today I decided to go up there and get some. I hate stores like these tho. They are like Costco. Just when you get used to finding something there, they stop carrying it and they did....sigh. But first things first.
You see those glass plates up there? I bought them at Goodwill awhile ago. I decided since Ill be in the same parking lot, Id stop by there today too. What are the odds that I found the rest of that set? Now there was only 11 big plates. But I found 10 smaller plates and 12 even smaller ones today. I bought them all. And then nice glasses to drink from are slowly breaking one by one. Cant replace them. They are Italian crystal I bought right after my divorce. Yea I know fancy stuff for every day but hey it was just me and I deserve the best sometimes. So one day at a Goodwill in CA. I found similar glasses. Instead of square they are octagon but the same size. Sadly not crystal tho but still nice. They were 50 cents then. So I bought the two that were there. So today at this Goodwill I found more. So I grabbed the 6 that were there but good thing I looked at the prices. Two were 99cents the other four were $1.99, Huh? So when I went to check out I asked the guy about that and said if they aren't all 99cents I don't want them. He got a supervisor.........and she said she would give me those for 99cents then. Awesome. But get was green tag day and the two original 99 cent ones were 50% off too. lol
I also found a pretty blue and white fair isle sweater.
Brand new Croft and Barrow with pretty silver metal frogs on it to clasp it closed. It looks like a sweater jacket in chenille yarn. I just loved it was $6.99 and it came home too.
From there I went next door to the Bi-Mart. They have all their plants outside and I wanted to see if there was something new. I bought a spearmint plant and a chocolate mint plant and 3 pretty bare root roses. The roses were only $3.99 compared to much more at garden ctrs.
Then I went to the Grocery Outlet.....they didn't have any grape fruit juice. Damn, that meant I still had to go to the grocery store too ...sigh. So I did some damage at the outlet buying some of the things I like to stock up on. They had the really good butter for $1.99 lb. still so I bought 3 and then 3 more pkgs. of the good NY Italian sausage. I also found a bare root climbing lavender rose! So that had to come home with me too.
Finally I got to the grocery
store and bought what I needed there. All this shopping and I didn't
get what I really need....a shovel to plant the stuff with lol.
You and I think so much alike! I can't wait to head your way and spend some time with you in your hometown and on the beach! I know that shopping center well. Every time we are in your town we make sure we shop there. Usually I'm in Goodwill while my sweetheart is in Bi-Mart! Love seeing your buys.