Monday, March 22, 2010

Can I paint you a Picture?

Just took the dog outside for her morning business. Sometimes you really need to just stop and live the moment.......and so I did.
Its misty outside, its been raining. But that mist puts a bit of a hush on things outside. The air was fresh, crisp and clean. I inhaled, then closed my eyes......and realized how sweet the sounds were around me.
I could hear the water dripping from the trees in the woods here. Reminded me of a rain forest. Misty, wet, damp. And there were sounds all around me of so many critters and birds. Chittering, twittering, squawking, singing. Natures music. And in the distance a low rumble.........of the ocean. What a great way to wake up. How did I get so lucky to end up here?


  1. Lovely photos and description. You are lucky, blessed even. May you have many happy years ahead in that pretty spot!

  2. I think I can hear it - from the picture you painted for me! What wonderful moments we often miss because we don't slow down and experience them.
