Monday, March 21, 2011

Tsunami that didnt come.......thank God

I have often said on here, I dont live far from the ocean. Last week I was woke up by a siren from the fire dept. near me. But this was early around 5am. and it went on and on. As my bf and I wiped the sleep from our eyes and listened, we thought at first it was stuck and then we thought......hmmmm whats going on.

I had a feeling I should get up and put the tv on. This was not normal And so I did and woke up to seeing them talk about the Japanese quake and the coming tsunami along our coast. My first reaction was of course panic since I was still sleepy. I said we need to get dressed and get out and then I started trying to think of what to save that was important. My bf in his usual calm way said.......not before coffee and started to make some. I thought he was nuts. Then I realized we are on a hill, Im pretty high up. And so I calmed down and watched the news.

They said it the surge would be about 3-6ft for this area....all day of course that number went up and down a bit. My SIL called us and asked if we were going to moms. You see SIL lives right on the beach. The fire dept. evacuated them. I told her we werent going anywhere, we will be safe and then suggested she comes here. She has a houseful of kids and I knew the inlaws would have a tough time of that.

And so they did and we all gathered around the tv and watched and hoped nothing happened. They said the surge would hit at 7:30am and so we decided to get in their van and go to the top of the hill and wait to see it It was cold outside. And so this is about all we saw most of the day.

You can see some of the ripples of the surge coming in but not much happened till much later. And so we went back to the house and I made breakfast for everyone, we were getting hungry and we didnt know when they would be allowed to go back. I was going to go to the store that day but as you can see the parking lot is empty cuz its closed lol. I had some bread in the house but not milk or juice either. So I emptied my freezer of all the breakfast meats I had and cooked them up. Thank God I had several dozen eggs cuz I just went to the egg lady. The kids had Lipton ice tea or water and we drank coffee. At least we all ate.

But it made me think about what could happen and Ive been slowly stocking up anyway with water and dried goods. This really made me think tho. And so around noon everyone left.......seems we got lucky and the worst surges hit on low tides and nothing happened here. But it made me think about where I live. I sure got lucky when God put me here. During wild wind storms, this house doesnt shake and neither do the windows. I am built on rock. (didnt the Bible say to build on rock?). And when it rains and even floods right now Im high enough to not have to worry.

And then with possible tsunamis I find out according to the city pages that even in the worst case scenario (whatever that is) we should still be safe. I would have to get hit with I think a 30ft + wall of water for it to get to us. And so I feel blessed to be in this spot and to be able to help family too, when this stuff goes on.

Now I just have to make sure Im stocked up even more!

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you and our dear friends who aren't far from you while watching coverage of the tsunami. We lived on the south coast many years ago when there was a warning (before sirens) and the whole town stood together on the bluff above the beach. Waiting and watching for the tsunami that didn't happen. I'm glad you were safe, my friend. And I think you are right - be prepared. We never know when someone will need what we have planned for.
