Most days the man is up first. Hes one of those early risers and hes learned to not annoy me by closing the bedroom door and leaving me be. Smart man. I had an Uncle that , when he was up, everyone had to be up. I don't understand people like that.
And so unless I'm having sleep issues the man gets up, closes the door and goes to make the coffee. My dog is definitely MY dog lol. Most days even if she really has to go, she wont leave my side but waits for me to rise.
And so I lie there. If its early I fall back to sleep. But that only lasts till 7am on work days, then the man comes in to shower and I have to get up and make his lunch. Otherwise, I lie there till I slowly come to wake up. Then its potty time, get my robe and slippers (only when its cold) and out the door to take the dog potty. By then the man has been up at least an hr, sometimes more. Its a good system. He likes his morning quiet time and gets it.
And then the dog gets her cookie and I get my coffee. The dog is funny tho, if we both get up around the same time she will not eat her cookie till we both are having our coffee. Guess that's HER morning coffee too lol. After I have some coffee, I will go open the blinds in the living room. Whether its gray or sunny the view is gorgeous and it just makes this house feel more alive.
Then the man showers first most days. Even when hes home I often wait till he does his first......again just a stupid habit that feels right. And while hes doing that I have my fruit and yogurt and computer time. Then its my turn.
I used to be a lazy person and rarely made my bed. But with the move I made a point of making my bed daily to get ready for showing the house, long before I had to. I knew if I didn't start that habit, Id never do it and the house wouldn't look good then. And so I decided to keep that habit. To make it more special so Ill keep it up, Ive bought some nicer bedding and pillows that I can change out with the seasons. Gives me incentive to make it pretty.
Then I open the bedroom verticals that look out onto my back porch. I love the way that porch looks so its more incentive to keep that room looking nice too. When the man is home its time for me to start thinking of what to make for brunch. I say brunch because hes not a morning eater and by the time all this is done its heading towards lunch time. So I decide to make either breakfast or lunch depending on whats in the house and my mood.
But its funny, this isn't written in stone.........some days it does change when we have other plans. But there are days like yesterday I just couldn't get in the frame of mind for the routine. I was off the whole day. And so my bed never got made and looking at it just threw my day off more. But it was getting late and I had errands to do. He was working and it was raining. So I try to go early if I can. I hate being out in the rain when its darker...and hes been getting home earlier lately too.
But yesterday the whole day was off and I think its that damn beds fault lol. It rained big deal. Ive been out in that before. But somehow it really bothered me yesterday. It made me grumpy and I got soaked and chilled and I was NOT happy. So when I got home I made some hot tea and tried to warm up. It took me all evening to do that. I finally fell asleep by the fire with my blanky wrapped around me and when I woke up I felt warm. But up until that point I didn't even feel good either and hoped I wasn't getting sick. I should have worn a warmer coat. Next time I will.
But that whole day was off because I didn't do my morning routine. So my question you have a morning routine and if you don't do it , does it throw off your day too? What is your routine?
Yes I used to and now that I left that routine every day has seemed off and it took your post here to show me that! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNow I will try to get back in a groove again.
That routine used to include getting kidlets of to school etc. Now its just me. But, its usually feed cat, coffee or tea, computer, toast, then make bed and house work .
Wow, I think that's why so many of my days are off so often! I used to have a great morning routine but with some changes in family needs and other bits and pieces of my life I have days where the routine just isn't there! Think maybe I need to 'tweak' my old routine and make it my new routine! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm off to figure out what should stay in my routine and what needs to change.