Thursday, October 14, 2010

On the way to the egg lady...

I take the drive around the lake to go to the egg lady's house. Its much nicer than town, especially in the summer. There's too much traffic in town then.

This is one of the parks by the lake......its so pretty right down the street from homes there.

It even has picnic nice day I should make a picnic lunch and drag my bf there. :)

On the other side of the lake (from me) there are many big homes with large properties. This is one of them that always draws my eye. Look at that gate!

That's the view on the long driveway to the house......lucky people!
And that's the house.......lil shack in da woods huh? lol

Going down the road off the lake road, heading to the egg lady.
'Cuse my dirty windshield but the trip thru these woods is so nice.
For a little bit there's nothing but trees and gentle bends along the mountain road.

Just before the Equestrian Center there's this sign. One time they actually had the nerve to put a box with a 15mi. hr. speed limit on it, right in the middle of the road. The gas company was doing work on the egg lady's property and these people didn't like it with the big trucks coming thru.

The Equestrian Center.

Love to see that flag right out in the middle of nowhere. Egg lady, sharp turn to the left here past the flagpole.

 Love the mtns and the pretty out there. Sometimes I see the horses out too. Those critters you see way out in the fields are elk. 

On the egg lady's road......more pretty views, trees and turns but the road is narrower.

And here we are. Dukey her dog and one of the chickens greeted me yesterday. Dukey is usually there tho.

Dukey was always nice but now he loves me even more cuz he knows I come with cookies! He hangs by my window like this when I'm leaving  and looks soooo sad.

Some of her cows on the farm.

Egg lady's backyard......oh how I love it! She has many acres.
Backyard again with a shot of the hen house.

The chickens all disappeared when I wanted to take pictures so the egg lady called them with bread.

She shook the bag and they came running from everywhere!! I was laughing and having fun watching them scurry over to get some.
She said she trained them to do that in case there's danger and she needed to get them all together fast.

Some of the "girls".

They were hurrying to get all the goodies and stealing from each other too.

And finally these two came right up to me clucking and making sweet sounds like they thought I had something for them. Egg Lady told me to bring any extra bread I have for her to feed them with. I might just do that now and then. Id love for them to come up to me. 

On the way back home, right by the Equestrian Ctr. a goose was standing right in the middle of the road, honkin at me. So I honked back to get him to move.......but he didnt. So I inched my way closer to him, honkin at him every time he honked at me. My window was open and I said to him.......dont make me have to ruffle those feathers with my fender.........and then he moved. But just enough so I didn't hit him. Guess he knows who really owns that road lol.


  1. If I lived where you do I would take the lake road to the egg lady's place all the time! I love that lake and the areas around it. You need to take your lunch to the park often. It's gorgeous!

  2. I do take that road often, I just love it. Funny I never think to take my lunch down to the park. My bf isnt working right now so we are home all the time. During the summer its too crowded but on nice days now, Id have it all to myself.
