This was on day two of a 3 day
Citywide Garage sale weekend , special thing going on here in town. Missed the first day cuz of our septic tank issue, but its fixed now. Sounds like that was the
best day tho. Lots were out there so alot is gone........and dealers
too....and they pissed some of the people off. It was supposed to start
at 8pm. and some showed up at 6:30am. I swear if I ever do that and
dealers show up I will refuse to sell to them. There is a reason times
are set and most do not like early birds.
But I left around
noon to drop some eggs off at the in-laws house. I stayed a bit then left to
wander. So I
headed off to garage sale near the lake near my house. I figure there
are nice homes and its a good place to start.
It was raining lightly
since early that morning but it let up a bit while I was out. It was
still gray but that made it nice. A lot of people didn't want to
venture out. But a lot of home owners didn't want to do it either since
it was chilly. I started my drive around the lake.....I love it. The
scenery is so beautiful and relaxing. And then I saw a sign for a sale
so I stopped. I'm so glad I did. I hit jackpot there. I bought this
piece, might be a nite table, I'm not sure but certainly wont be used
that way. I fell in love with the cottage look and most of all the hand
painted grapes.
It was only $35. I have a lot of pretty purple grape things in my kitchen and dining room and knew I had to have it. The lady said it came from a local towns community center and its from the 1930's. She had someone handpaint it and I love the fine details on this, right down to the cute glass knobs.
for now I put it in my kitchen at the end of my counters. Its cute
there but I'm not sure it will stay there. I have to move the gate leg
table into the spare room now. Its under my counter and really doesn't
work there. I may put this cabinet there and put all my linen napkins
in the cabinet, I'm not sure tho.
I continued to wander a bit
and saw someone else looking at the piece so I made sure to tell the
owners....Ill be taking that piece but I still want to look around. I
wasn't gonna have that snagged out from under me. As I got around to
the other side this grape table screamed take me home. I had to have it
and it was only $15.
The top turns completely around, its on a metal
base tho with wheels so it can be rolled around.
The top is just a
rough piece of wood painted green but it has some nice grapes on it
too. She said since I was taking the grape cabinet she would knock $5
off the table if I take that too. So I did :) She had a few other
pieces I liked but thought the price was a bit higher than I wanted to
pay her hubby helped me load these things in my car and I left.
And now I put this table on
my back balcony to use with my porch glider. I think it looks really
nice out here. And since I didn't pay much for it I don't mind if it
gets a bit weathered, its pretty protected on this porch .
Nice folks tho. She said she
had more but most likely wouldn't do it again tomorrow. She was quite
annoyed with the early birds it seems. She said the first day they were
setting up the garage going back and forth getting things to put there.
At one point a dealer came when she wasn't there to see it cuz she was getting more things.....loaded up her car , ripped off the tags
and handed them to her to add up the prices. ....and this was 6:30am!!!
The nerve!!! The lady was really angry and told this person, I would
have too. In fact I'm just nasty enough I might have told them to take
it all out of their car cuz I'm not selling it lol. .But that's how
rude people are becoming.
I wandered around the lake
more.......found some signs and wandered toward them. The signs were
not really good in some areas it was hard to tell something until you
went past the street or you didn't see it at all till you went back.
But I took this one road that loops around and apparently goes to
another pretty park by the lake. Ill remember this too, I want to go
back. I stopped at one house but mostly kid stuff .......across the
street was another house.
The old lady who lived there was
trying to get me to bid on the old trunk there so the guy looking at it
wouldn't get it.........wasn't sure why, but they were being silly and
having fun. I met some nice neighbors doing this. And then her
daughter had a gorgeous European piece that was actually an old wash
stand with a marble top. I loved it but they wanted $150. While it most
likely was a good price, and I loved the piece, I didn't need it and
had no clue where I would put it. She said make me an offer but I
couldn't and she wanted to know if I thought it was priced good. I told
her I believe in a shop, this piece would probably go for double so I
felt it was a good price. (Honestly tho for a garage sale I felt it was over priced, people look for bargains.) But I have no where to put it so I cant buy
it. We all yakked a bit more then I left there too.
I had decided that today
since there were going to be many choices that if I didn't know where I
could put it in the house I wouldn't buy it. So I wandered down that loop
and found one more. That's where I found these stepping stones. I live
near the beach now and I want to lighten up and make a bit of a beachy
theme in my house now. These were 3 for $10 and I know they can cost
that a piece and more. Since I want to do raised beds here for veggies
I thought maybe I could use them as a path.
I came back around
the loop and stopped at one more house I passed on the way in. And
that's where I bought this chair. That last house had a very similar
chair and wanted $75 for it but I wouldn't pay that. I have my grammas
chair and Ive been looking for a couple more so I would have enough to
sit around the dining table instead of bringing outside chairs in. I
spotted this chair for $25 and decided this was a pretty good one. Its
sturdy, I sat in it.
And I love the roses carved
on the back....that will go with my rose stuff but the fabric on the
seat is a grapes tapestry and that goes great with the rest of the
house. So I stuffed it in the car too. I have a small car so I put the back seat down to stuff all these things in, good thing it can do that. And now Ive put it next to
the hutch in the dining room. I like it there. Ill polish it up this
week and try to hide the scratches but the chair works really good with
my table.
So there I was driving around town hitting a few more
stops that yielded nothing and then wandered around my area of the
lake. Must be younger couples near the hospital cuz those just had
clothes and toys . I was getting hungry, had to potty and was tired. I
decided to call it a day. I didn't go the next day, it was supposed to be 70 and nice. But that will bring more
people out too and it seemed many of the ones I hit don't want to do it
on Sunday. So there may not have been very many anyway. I spent more than I thought but I went prepared with lots of change just in case I found some treasures. I read about others on here that hit sales and honestly I dont know how you get things so cheap, must be the area your in.
And while I can see this garage sale growing and it is already, a few more towns got in on it this yr, I dont know if I will want to go anymore. My eyes are getting bad and its hard to see the signs so unless I get someone else to drive next yr.....not sure what Ill do. Ive heard a lot sirens out there so theres probably been some accidents. I can see that happening since I almost got hit once too. The roads are hilly around here the streets dont all have curbs and people park wherever they could find spots since parking seems to be very limited too. That makes for a mess.
You got some nice things! I really wanted to go to the sales in your area but never hear about it in time to plan. Plus, I wasn't free to go this last weekend. I love the white cabinet with the grapes on it and the table on your balcony is wonderful. Your little chair is like the rocker my mother has - there's a family story about it and some day I'll take photos and share the story on my blog. Maybe next year I'll have to head your way and garage with you. The dealers antics always make me mad - if I were selling I might post a big no trespassing sign until I open the sale. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't.
What a haul! You really found some great things.
ReplyDeleteI love when a day goes well like that and you can find all sorts of goodies that you can use.
Sounds like you had a great time .
Sounds and looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! The painted pieces are so pretty. The table looks great on your porch.
Some great finds! I especially like the little white cabinet you found. It's good that the purple grapes will work for your kitchen & dining room.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by DesignTies. The hedge isn't ours, it belongs to the neighbours... otherwise we'd cut the whole ugly thing down!! That's why we're putting up a fence (but not the pencil-crayon fence!) - to hide it away. Out of sight, out of mind!! ;-)