Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just a note.......

Between being sick for a couple months and then early this month having to fly home for my fathers funeral, I havent been posting in awhile. I hope once I catch up with things now that Im home, to start again. 
RIP Daddy, Ill miss you forever..........June 2, 2012

Dad was sick many yrs of my life and he had cancer. We thought it was gone after the surgery but it just came back. He was about to start treatment, when he fell down and hit his head. Because he was on blood thinners for his heart, he ended up with a brain hemorrhage. I tried to get there as fast as I could but I didnt make it. He went so fast. And so I stayed a few weeks to help mom and now Im home. 

Ill be slowly catching up with everyone and everything so give me a bit of time. Im not gone, just busy doing life and life hasnt been easy these last few months.


  1. I hope you are doing well at this time. Will be thinking of you!

  2. I am sorry to hear about your father.
    Also sorry life has been difficult lately and I hope things pick up soon for you.

  3. Sending you big hugs sweetie. I know the pain of losing a Daddy too.
