Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Garden stuff.....

With all the stuff going on the last 3 months, I wasn't able to work in my garden. I lost so many plants on my back deck garden and there's tons of weeds outside. Ive had to catch up on things in my life and house first and so now Im finally getting to do some gardening. These are the pretty parts....if you saw the rest of it you would say what garden? lol Cuz all there are is weeds. But its a beginning even if its late so here's what there is for now.

That's about it .......my garden lol. Some just planted tomatoes in the back beds where the sun is most of the day. They say around here don't even bother planting them till July cuz they just sit in the ground and do nothing. I sure hope they pick up fast cuz otherwise Ill just be wasting water. 
 Well the two hydrangeas in this bed came back.....I love them so i hope they continue yr after yr. I just read where you can take a cutting end of summer and root it to make more for next yr. I may just try that and put them on the back deck. 
 Herb garden where most of them are. I have some in pots on the porch too. Just planted more parsley and a tarragon plant in here. 
 Different box in a different part of the yard and this hydrangea is darker. 
Raspberries are slowly coming in, I just keep picking the ones I see ....this is the after shot.
Here's the before. Its interesting to see them in different stages of growth and how fast they change. Ive been going out there about every other day now. 
 Todays haul in the cup, not much at all. The bag behind it is frozen berries I have picked so far tho. The bag is a qt. size and almost packed. I just might get enough  to make a jar or two of jam. 
 And the strawberry bed......its struggling and I'm not sure what to do. When I finally was able to check on them before I went away........the slugs ate everything and left me stumps. So I dumped alot of slug bait there. The plants came back and I got some flowers and tiny berries but nothing came of them. Not sure if its this weather or what. I didn't water cuz we were still getting some rain. But now its looking like a second round of flowers so I might get a few berries yet. ..........who knows. 


  1. Have you considered hooking up rain barrels to your gutters? If you could run soaker hoses through your tomatoes that feed from the barrels, you wouldn't really be wasting water!

  2. I have wild strawberries that run all over my property but the birds eat the fruit.
    My soil is sandy maybe thats the key for strawberries? I wish I had more help to give.
    Happy Weekend.

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