Thursday, April 26, 2012

Its a fast food world and I guess I'm just a slow cooker pot of stew

I have a page at Pinterest. I like the site cuz basically your bookmarking things but its on them, not filling up my computer. Plus it pins the photo so I can find what I'm looking for again and I can put them on separate boards too. This way I'm not scrolling thru tons of bookmarks wondering where I put something and on what page. And so I read its good to post your blog postings there to get more traffic. So I did that with my Mermaids Treasures food blog since many over there snag recipes.

I follow some people but not all of my followers. When I get time I sometimes go to their boards to see if we have things in common and I might click the follow button then. And so the other day I did that with someone who follows my food blog board. I was rather surprised at what she said and at first I was hurt. She said scroll down to the recipe because she talks alot first. HUH?

I'm a blogger, isn't that what we do? At first I felt insulted like shes telling everyone I talk too much. (Now I do, I know I do but this is blogging not talking.) But then I started to think about this. First why take on her point of view if that's what it is, why let myself be upset over something so trivial. But I really was trying to understand this. Because what she said is public so I have to wonder what others will think and if that will keep them from my food blog.

Second, she did like my recipes tho.....perhaps that's all shes looking for.

I started my blog on Yahoo years ago and when I posted recipes is when I started to get noticed. People liked them. And so while I do post about everything, recipes have been the main thing. After all Ive been a chef and I'm always is my life. Yahoo closed so I moved over to Multiply.  But then I decided to post my recipes , the ones Ive made or tried, over to a public forum. I keep my Multiply page for just my network. My Multiply page is sort of my private personal journal of things going on in my life, some good , some bad. I don't want that picked up by Google and the whole world to be able to see it. I pick and choose from this blog , what to put anywhere else. Its sort of my test place too.

But always there have been stories with my recipes. Ive always liked reading pages that have a recipe and tell where it came from or why they chose it. To me its like someone in the family sharing family stuff. Its like having grammas, aunts, and cousins all over the world. But I guess this lady doesn't like the stories. So I figured if she is following me for the recipes she must like it but just doesn't want to read much. That's her choice and somehow I wished she worded it better cuz I don't want her words putting people off of my pages.

But that got me thinking about my blogs and why I have them. As I said my MP blog here is my private journal, my heartbreaks, happy times and food stories and life. While its open to network....its that way mostly cuz of my recipes. If it ever gets bad Ill close it down to only friends but I don't want to do that. And my Mermaids Treasures blog is my food blog, that IS public. I'm trying to build a following there. And so I move tested recipes from here to there.

And then there's my Seanymphs Treasures. I started that when I realized I had other things I wanted to post but didn't want to clutter up my food page. (like this post.) The reason for that was that I'm on several food sites now that promote my blog and they prefer only food. But even on ST, I only post what I feel can be public. And then FB where I put a connection to my Mermaids Treasures blog when I realized how much traffic is there. But I'm only on FB for my family and a few friends, otherwise I wouldn't be there at all. And I did blog there a little bit but its difficult to do that there. Their NOTES section sux and people really don't see them. So I felt opening a page for my blog was the better deal.....then I could add things on that page.

But seeing that lady's words made me realize just how sad this world has become. Everyone wants instant gratification. She doesn't want my words........doesn't care where the recipe came from or how I changed it. She just wants what she wants.......the recipe. It reminded me of something me and the man talked about the other day.......about how all these toys and gadgets kids have today........we didn't. How would they survive without them? I laughed and said hey I had gadget back then Etch -a -sketch lol. But hes right, today's kids don't think, I don't think they can anymore. They are too busy on a phone (why do they even need to be attached to one daily?) or texting or more. And if you watch them...they sit around together , texting each other and not even interacting for real. So that lady's words made me think about all this........its a fast food world and I guess I'm just a slow cooker pot of stew in it. I'm surprised anyone reads my page then.


  1. You said a mouthful. Instant gratification. We don't want to wait for anything.
    I love learning about people on their blogs. It opens up my world and I count people I read about as friends even if I never really meet them.
    I have a few recipe books that I bought just because of the 'talk'. One that I love is "Cooking from a Country Farmhouse" by Susan Wyler, a former food critic for 'Food and Wine'.
    She talks about her country farmhouse, there are hand drawn pictures , she tells the history of the food and the recipes and her neighbors and I have read and reread that book over and over.
    Keep on talking girl. It's what blogging is all about.

  2. Just saw your comment on my blog. Please get well soon. Will be thinking good things for you.
